Fractions on Tree
Explanation:A simple problem which can be solved using recursion.
Our base case will be n = 1, for which numerator will be 1, i.e., (num = 1) and denominator also 1, (den = 1).
For n > 1, we find the value for its parent, say (num / den) by finding the value of n / 2.
if the child is left child, we add numerator to the denominator (den = den + num).
else, we add denominator to the numerator (num = num + den).
Finally, return the result (num / den).
typedef long long int LLD;
typedef unsigned long long int LLU;
using namespace std;
vector<LLD> find_value(LLD n){
// res[0] denotes numerator and res[1] denotes denominator.
vector<LLD> res;
// Base case with n = 1.
if(n == 1){
res[0] = 1;
res[1] = 1;
return res;
// Find the value for parent in res.
res = find_value(n >> 1);
// Check for left child.
if(n == ((n >> 1) << 1))
res[1] += res[0];
// Check for right child.
res[0] += res[1];
return res;
int main(){
LLD n;
vector<LLD> res;
scanf("%lld", &n);
res = find_value(n);
printf("%lld/%lld\n", res[0], res[1]);
return 0;
Any suggestions are welcome.